Q&A: Justice Carradine Drops “Necessary Evil.”

Singer, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Justice Carradine released his latest single “Necessary Evil.” This new track follows his debut single “Dangerous Love” which is an addictive experimental pop experience that goes into the depths of a rocky relationship. However, on this track, the rising singer sheds emotional layers delving into the end of a situationship with lyrics like “just two people who fell in and out of lust and called it love.” 

Carradine draws from a wide palette of sonic colors and equally fascinating experiences to paint pop in brushstrokes of alternative, R&B, and rock. Picking up a guitar, sitting behind a piano, or cooking up beats, the Utah-born and Los Angeles-based 19-year-old writes with dynamic depth.

We had the opportunity to have a brief conversation with the rising pop-star about his sophomore single “Necessary Evil.” 


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