Q&A: Love Level

Aimee Van der Kruik & Juliana Ebert are the duo that makes up indie electro-pop, Love Level. Hailing from Gold Coast, Australia, the two bid a farewell to toxic relationships on their latest single, “Bad Bye.” The track is a downtempo hazy gem that combines their silky vocals along with eerie undertones. While still fairly new to the scene, the rising artists are carving a lane of their own with their cool demeanor and signature electro-R&B sound. We were able to have the opportunity to speak with the two about releasing their latest single “Bad Bye.” 

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Do you mind introducing yourself? 

Hiya! We’re Aimee and Juli from Love Level (Gold Coast, Australia) We’re super excited to answer some questions for you! Thank you for the support, we really appreciate it! 

How did you two meet? 

We met in high-school - we’re a couple of years apart. So we went to school together and we actually worked together at a drive-thru Red Rooster for a little while as well (haha). After high school, we joined a band together with some other friends but it wasn’t working for us so when that band ended we decided to continue writing together. At first, it was just a fun, creative outlet for us both but as we continued we loved the new project and decided to release our music seriously!

What’s the process like when you are collaborating as a duo? Do your tastes and ideas often clash? 

We both like a lot of the same music but our tastes do vary to an extent - it actually makes writing super fun and diverse for us. We’re both very open to trying new things creatively and because of that we never really clash when writing music. When we’re in the studio it’s a really supportive, safe environment - neither of us ever feel self-conscious about the ideas we’re bringing forward because we’re so comfortable around each other. 

Can you tell us a little bit about your latest single “Bad Bye?” 

Bad Bye is an extremely honest song. It’s about finally standing up for yourself and speaking your mind in a toxic relationship/friendship. Sometimes it’s easy to keep your feelings to yourself in order to protect those of someone who is hurting you - this song is kinda like the breaking point when everything finally comes to the surface and spills out.

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Can fans expect a debut EP or album soon?

Yes! We’re releasing a 5 track EP in early 2021! 

Who are you currently listening to?

Juli: Aussie artist Felivand just released a new EP and I’ve had it on repeat since! New Tom Misch and Yussef Dayes album, a lot of Bread and Bobby Caldwell too! :))

Aimee: Always listening to a lot of Phoebe Bridges, James Blake, and Troye Sivan. We both love the new 1975 album as well!! 


Q&A: Linchpinmusic
