Q&A: Max Leone on "FIRST GRADE"

Meet 20-year-old songwriter-producer Max Leone, the newest artist signed to The Darkroom, who recently released his debut single "First Grade" off his forthcoming EP. Written and recorded in one day, "First Grade" (produced by Luke Niccoli who has worked with Joji, Miya Folick, Taylor Janzen), is an airy yet dark track that deals with disappointment, accepting people as they are and realizing perfection is an impossible feat. We had the opportunity to chat with Max about releasing his debut single.

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How do you feel about your debut single being released?

It feels amazing! It’s been a long time coming so seeing the response has been super gratifying. It’s been really fun to start from the ground up and take a lot of time with the creative direction and strategy, but seeing it come to life is a completely different feeling.  

How did the concept for “First Grade” come about for both the song and the video?

The concept just came together at the beginning of the session when Luke Niccoli and I were talking about what was going on in my life. I brought up this dilemma I was having about wanting to be with someone, but always silently critiquing everyone I meet and alienating myself from them. As soon as the concept was there the song came together quite quickly. When we starting working on the music video Clyde Munroe, the director, and I came up with the idea that the video would take place in this ethereal realm almost like a dreamscape. We wanted the video to show me alone, as if I’m in my own head, trying to convince myself to wake up and realize what I’m doing to myself.

Any live shows for this upcoming year or hints about your debut EP?

There’s another single coming very soon! I’m super excited about the next one, it’s definitely one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written and I can’t wait for people to hear it. There’s a crazy music video for it coming too! I’m going to be playing a few songs at Ren’s EP release party in March which is gonna be a blast! Definitely planning to play more live shows in the near future.


Q&A: altopalo


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