REVIEW : Steve Lacy - Steve Lacey's Demo

After taking hiatus from The Internet to pursue a solo affair, Steve Lacy gifts us something not most would expect from the former. Steve Lacey's Demo - EP is an interesting fusion of contemporary R&B mentality with the instrumentation and edge of a indie band from SoCal.

The opener “Looks” is a amusing take on love in the form of infatuation. Lacy acknowledges his ignorance towards a significant other's personality while overtly focusing on the physical sexual aspects of them. A chill, guitar focused track, with accompanying bass and dusty drums, and lush vocal harmonies from Steve to really mellow out the track, along with our expectations for the rest if the project.

The second track “Ryd” is a standout track for its infectious, drippy, droning guitar and drum beat. Steve reiterates his desires for the physical on this track ask well, wanting his female companion to skip the formalities, and get to the good stuff (most importantly in the back seat).

The previously released single “Dark Red”, sees Steve pen a nervous breakdown, and realization that it's not worth it, over another smooth alt r&b/indie rock track. He reveals what we all think, but never speak, The inclusion of a synth during The second hook, and a switch up from the main melody after, keeps the song from coming off repetitive.

With vibes reminiscent of teenage summer nights, “Thangs” switches up the instrumental formula  a smidge, opting for a dirty vinyl drum loop yet continuing the heavy, flanger induced high, from the bass and guitar melody.

One of the more experimental tracks “Hater Lovin”, utilizes a drum breakbeat complimented by a groove trodden bass, and Steve crooning thru a vocoder, highlighting the similarities to Hate/Love.

The closer, “Some” hits home with its 4 to the floor drum beat, accompanied by pulsating guitars and bass. While it's more of the same, the guitar solo, and outro similar to something off TPAB, keep the track from sounding to similar to its predecessors. All throughout this album, Lacy’s strong suit is his ability arrange a track in a way that emits a sonic picture, so distinct and clear, it's hard not to stop and just take it all in.     

Rating: 8/10

Fav Track(s): “Ryd”, “Thangs”,  ”Same”

Least Fav Track(s): “Hater Lovin”


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