JORDY is making a home for his music all over the nation. With an album release and another tour in progress, it’s been a busy year for the Chicago native. With now over one million listeners on Spotify, rave reviews from Billboard, TIME Magazine, and OUT Magazine, and his single “Long Distance” finding success on Tiktok, JORDY has been attaining growth in a variety of avenues. Inspiration can be found anywhere, and JORDY demonstrates this readily in his latest releases. With a blend of relatable lyrics and melodies that feel like a summer evening road trip, JORDY’s newest album, Mind Games, captures the feelings of hope, loneliness, love, and the murkiness of reconciling them all together. We connected with JORDY over email to get a glimpse into his inspiration, tour details, and more.

Photo: Dante Velazquez Jr.

What do you hope listeners will get from your album as a whole?

I want my listeners to feel heard when they listen to Mind Games. So much of my songwriting revolves around digging into those real human feelings that we all share but might be too scared to acknowledge. I want them to feel less alone. Also, hope they dance a little too ;)

Where do you find inspiration for your music? How has the past year and a half impacted that?

I find inspiration in so many things. Relationships, anxieties, worries, love, heartbreak, you name it. This past year was filled with so many different emotions; I think it was like that for everyone. And I think you can definitely hear that in the record. Some happy songs, some sad, some in love, some broken-hearted. I think some are specific to the pandemic as well, like “long distance.” So many of us were long-distance with loved ones this past year- I’m happy there’s a song on the album that celebrates that.

There are some beautiful lines throughout the whole album. Which are some of your favorites?

 It’s so hard to choose. I’ve always loved the line from “Tomorrow” that reads “ever since I moved to LA it’s always been hurry and wait, worry and wait”. That one always packs a punch. And then probably a line from “South Dakota” that says “oh driving up and down the 10, talking to the internet, making friends that I’ll forget.” I think that sums up a lot of the LA experience that I felt in my first couple years being there. There’s so many more but I’ll keep it to those two.

 I notice you have tour dates coming up, how long have you been touring? What has that experience been like?

 Tour has been amazing. We sold out Chicago two nights ago and LA the week before - it was so insane. Feels so good to hear fans singing the songs back to me. Now we’re on our way to Toronto and then doing East Coast cities next!

What have you been listening to in the past few weeks?

A lot of Julia Wolf, a pop artist based in NYC I believe. Obsessed with the viral GAYLE song “abcdefu”. The new Adele record. So many great songs happening right now.

What has been bringing you joy lately?

One of my best friends OSTON is opening up for me on tour and being able to tour with someone so close to me has been really magical. I feel so lucky to have her and to watch her set every night.

Is there any advice or message you want to share with those listening?

I think my vibe is always just stay true to yourself. It sounds cheesy, but I am where I am because I surround myself with people who love and care about me and push me to be my most authentic self every day. And also just sending all of you the most love ever, and thank you for supporting my music.


